We heard in class of all the advantages of E-books. You can virtually have the entire library in your pocket. But before we OOH! and AAH! about the E-Book, my experiences with technology is that it can fail you when you least expect it to. This is not going to happen with a good old paper book (heavy book with pages). I can imagine many ladies curling up in bed with a Mills & Boon, what if the battery dies. Especially when you are coming to an interesting part of the book, or like my laptop that seems to have a mind of its own (it just switches off).
With all these technology, we seem to have abandoned
the good old book. I’m a very sentimental person, having the feel of the book
in one’s hand, fingers caressing the pages. You not are going to get that from
holding a kindle. To conclude, E-Books, we agree, have many advantages and
disadvantages. Also everyone is entitled to choose their mode of pleasure, but
we should not give up to easily on the old fashion book. The artistic appeal of
the physical book is at times just as important as its content. The good old fashion book is something that the younger generation MUST experience, but this is more and more unlikely to happen as technology wins the battle.
#books must
fall…I think just not yet. Call me a pessimist, just saying!