Monday 5 June 2017

This week was even better

I was very tired when arriving for class last week, but it was worth it. I thought last week was good, this week was even better. Its like each week just gets better and better, but now its all done. I learned about a lot of interesting and powerful tools again this week. Prezi is a powerful tool, it will allow me to create presentations to die for. I will most certainly have a use for this tool in the furure. was another tool which will proof useful, I found a lot of information on it and I can see how others structure their powerpoints. And I always thought that to develop a website is an expensive exercise, with, you can do it for free. I felt the best lessons was the last two classes, I have learnt about a lot of powerful tools which I will definitely use in the future.

Friday 26 May 2017

Lecture reflection 2017/05/23

With regards to this week’s lecture, the best was kept for last. The survey-monkey is a tool I can most definitely use for my research project in LBS 706. I can tailor the questionnaires to suit my research and it looks very professional.  With regards to designing your own web page, I thought it would cost an arm and a leg just to have a web page designed. It looks challenging, but with all technology, I feel it is something I can master. And guess what, it’s all free. Just because I like you all, ill share it with you 

But hang on, here is a trick I was taught in class. I can actually shorten the URL for survey-monkey, and here it is 

And here is the URL for the free web design tool
Who says you cannot teach a monkey new tricks

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Reflection of lecture 2017/05/17

                       The censorship question, should we or should we not?
The internet is the fastest way to give and receive information, for me the internet is the best thing since sliced bread. But with this freedom of information on the web comes responsibility. Regrettably it is being abused by certain individuals to disseminate pornography, hate posts, copyrighted material (movies). An event that is playing out at the moment: hackers are demanding a ransom from Disney Studios in America. These hackers have illegally downloaded (stole) the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” from Disney Studios, they are demanding a ransom, if not they will disseminate the movie on the web which will lead to losses for the movie studio. The issue is currently being investigated by the FBI in America.  

Also, it’s a fact that children can be easily influenced and manipulated by various kinds of information and influences on the web. Like the current Russian “Blue Whale Suicide Game”, that encourages teens to commit suicide. The game does its rounds on Instagram. Teenagers gets a task from “administrators” that includes self-harming, viewing scary movies and waking at strange hours of the night, the tasks gets more extreme, with participants encouraged on the last day of the game to kill themselves. It is due to these reasons, in my opinion, that information on the web should be managed and censored. Some people are of the view that not all information on the web are indecent, they would view certain information as useful and others might view it as harmful, which can lead to a loss of morality. Having said that, censorship should be applied with caution as to guarantee freedom of expression of responsible citizens. The issues of censorship will always be a contentious one as everyone’s agenda and interests are not the same.  It’s the duty of the government to censor the internet as to protect citizens from disinformation, immorality and also to prevent the distribution of copyrighted material.
Here is a link of a clip relating to the past, present and furure of internet censorship: